Cork Whale Watch believes passionately in the power of evidence based scientific research to inform and enhance whale and dolphin conservation in Ireland.
Colin Barnes has worked closely with the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) since 2000, and continues to assist with their scientific work. His knowledge and experience was instrumental in helping the IWDG develop their recommendations for responsible whale watching and marine eco-tourism in Ireland.
Colin submits details of all cetacean and basking sharks sightings to the IWDG’s sighting scheme. He is the co-author of “Photo-identification of fin and humpback whales off the south coast of Ireland” and a number of other peer reviewed publications.
Research and Filming Charters
Cork Whale Watch actively supports ongoing cetacean and basking shark research in Ireland, and the Holly Jo has become the platform of choice for science based cetacean research projects off the coast of County Cork. To study cetaceans, you need to be able to find them… and Colin’s experience and expertise in that area is widely acknowledged. That’s why leading authorities in cetacean research come back to him again and again.
Colin has also been involved in numerous television wildlife productions over the years, including ‘Wild Trials’ with Ray D’Arcy and Mike Brown (RTÉ), Ergo Films ‘In Search of the Irish Humpback’, Tom McSweeney’s maritime news reports, Colin Stafford-Johnson’s ‘Living the Wildlife’ (RTÉ), and more recently the BBC’s flagship Springwatch, Autumnwatch and Winterwatch series.

A glimpse at a just a fraction of the astonishing footage captured from the deck of the ‘Holly Jo’ for these productions gives you a sense of just how good whale watching in West Cork can be. And remember, even HD telly is nothing like experiencing whales up close in real life.
The Holly Jo is fitted with a primary observation platform which is ideal for professional film makers, researchers, and wildlife specialists. Access is by consent from the skipper. The vessel also offers unparalleled views of bow-riding dolphins from the front rails.
Marine Wildlife Education
Trips are also booked by schools, colleges and youth groups to enhance students’ learning, whether in the realms of marine wildlife or the disciplines of physics and engineering. Teachers and youth workers alike have marvelled at Colin’s in-depth expertise and his ability to communicate with and inspire their students.
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